About Us

This website is a multi-website (containing song lyrics, trailers, recipes, articles,etc).
we provide you all the necessary details, information and content related to the thing which you are searching in our website. The content in the site is subjected to copyright and the information related to songs or Ads are all right and accurate. The content provided here is only of the personal use for the visitors and not for any commercial use. Any invalid practice may subject to heavy penalty.
Here at Dia24.in, we not only take valuable interest regarding our visitors likes or dislikes but also provide them with correct information and details related to anything they are looking for. The information provided in the site is taken from the visitors itself. Our valuable visitors give us time to time news or updates regarding upcoming songs or lyrics via Facebook or any other social site. We also take information directly from the officials through their tweets,etc. If any visitor finds any problem regarding our policies or our content writing can tell us either by comment or they can contact us at [email protected].